Monday, June 09, 2008

Ancient Binding Media, Varnishes and Adhesives

By L Masschelein-Kleiner

Alright so I know none of you out there will be reading this book anytime soon, unless you're also doing a thesis about the history of adhesives, but it's a book and I read it during the 'thon, so just dealio, OK??

This is actually a very useful little book, much better than that stupid one by Mills & White, "The Organic Chemistry of Museum Objects". Classification of materials MUCH more easy to follow; useful summaries of how various materials produced. Also, I finally have a definition of what "mucilage" is!! Hurrah!! (I'm not going to tell you what it is, in hopes that it will pique your interest enough to actually read my thesis - or at least a bit of it).

Diagrams not as good as McGee's, but ICCROM not known for the flashiness of their publications.

I don't have a nice picture of the cover to include so I'll put one of my glue bottles in here instead.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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