Monday, June 12, 2006

archy & mehitabel (2006)

By Don Marquis
A lovely little book that I squeezed in right at the end of the ‘thon. From what I understand, this semi-poetry used to appear as columns in an American newspaper, and is purportedly written by Archy the cockroach, a former poet reborn in a more lowly form. As Archy typed this verse by jumping up and down on the keys of a typewriter, there are no punctuation or capital letters. (He couldn’t reach the shift key).

This volume is a collection of Archy’s works, about his life as a poet-turned-cockroach (and emerging lobbyist for insect rights around the world) and about the life of Mehitabel, an alley cat who was actually Cleopatra in a former life. Mehitabel’s life motto is “toujours gai” (“always gay” - I checked with someone who knows) and also, quite often, “wotthehell”.

This books is funny and moving, particularly in the accounts of Mehitabel's adventures. (Maybe that is just because I am a cat person). Although he wrote many wiser and more profound words than this, I will leave you all with one of my favourite of Archy’s “certain maxims”:

The honey bee is sad and cross
And wicked as a weasel
And when she perches on you boss
She leaves a little measle

See you next Readathon!!!

Rating: 7 out of 10

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