Thursday, May 25, 2006

They do it with mirrors (2006)

By Agatha Christie
You know, I’ve never read an Agatha Christie before. I know, I know, what have I been doing with myself? Reading Georgette Heyer and Dorothy Sayers instead, that’s what. But anyway, how did I like it? Not bad actually, and this book was even a Miss Marple adventure, who I’ve never been terribly interested in on the telly – she’s much more enjoyable in person. Maybe I’ll even like Poirot, if I read him instead of watch!! Anyway, it’s a good thing I liked Christie’s book, because I understand there’s a lot of others around and it’s always nice to know there’s a tidy stash of good books tucked away waiting to be read.

So what happens? The inherently mild-mannered, nosy Miss Marple leaves her intrigue-infested home town of St Mary Mead to visit an old friend, Carrie Louise Serrocold, who may be in trouble, according to the unspecified hunch of a mutual friend. Carrie Louise lives in a large mansion with her husband, two stepsons from a previous marriage, a daughter from a different previous marriage, a granddaughter, a grandson-in-law, a very efficient house-keeper/personal companion and about 200 juvenile delinquents and their attending physicians and psychiatrists - her husband has turned the family mansion into a school for recently released young offenders, but don’t worry, none of them are ever suspected of the murder. Wait – did I say there was a murder? Well there is, and Miss Marple figures out who did it!!

I think you could probably sum up this book as “charming”. I’m probably the last person on the planet to read it, but if by chance I’m wrong and that person is you, go on, give Miss Marple a go. You know you want to!!

Rating: 6.5 out of 10

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