Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Game Design - The Art & Business of Creating (2003)

By Bob Bates & Andre La Mothe
Have I told you about any of my fabulous ideas for computer games? Well, I’m not going to because you might steal them and they could be my one and only shot at becoming a millionaire – because let’s face it, the only way I’ll get rich doing conservation is by pinching a couple of Rembrandt’s, faking my own death, fleeing to Rio de Janeiro and selling the pix to a private and ethically challenged collector for his living room wall. So I’m not even going to tell you what’s in the book, in case you get any ideas and beat me to the post or the pip or the cake or whatever that saying is. As “how-to” books go, though, it’s not bad – easy to read and well laid out, perhaps not quite as informative and step-by-step as I would have liked. I still don’t have much of an idea about what all those IT people do to make all those little people move, but I guess I don’t have to because I’ll just be coming up with the kick-ass ideas and story line and getting other people to do all the hard work.

Rating: 6 out of 10

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